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httpin is driven by owl - a framework that drives particular algorithms by defining Go struct tags.

Let's take the following declaration of a struct as an example to explain how it works:

type Authorization struct {
Token string `in:"query=access_token,token;header=x-api-token;required"`
^----------------------^ ^----------------^ ^------^
d1 d2 d3

The struct tag key for httpin is in. This key is specific to httpin, just in the same way json is specifically used by the encoding/json package.

We can define multiple directives in the tag, which must be separated by semicolons (;). See the example above, where d1, d2 and d3 are three different directives. httpin will run the directives in order (d1 -> d2 -> d3) for each corresponding struct field.


Not every directive will be executed by httpin. It's decided by the executors (algorithms) of the directives and the actual input (request data).

The execution of a directive can fail. If a directive fails, none of the directives listed after it will execute. i.e. If d1 fails, d2 and d3 will not run.


Directive is a formatted string consisting of two parts, the directive executor, and the arguments, separated by an equal sign (=), formatted as:


Which works like a function call.

To the left of the = is the name of the directive. There's a corresponding directive executor (with the same name) working under the hood.

To the right of the = are the arguments, which will be passed to the algorithm at runtime. The way to define arguments can differ across different directives. In general, comma (,) separated strings are used for multiple arguments. Arguments can be ommited. For more specific usage, you should consult the documentation of the directives.

For the above example, there are three directives:

  • d1: query=access_token,token
  • d2: header=x-api-token
  • d3: required

Let's dissect d1, i.e. query=access_token,token.

The name is query.

The argv is access_token,token.

After reading the documentation of the query directive, we know the args will be treated as ["access_token", "token"].

Directive Executor

A Directive Executor is an algorithm with runtime context, that's responsible for executing a concrete directive.

For better understanding, we can think of a Directive Executor as a function in a programming language, and a Directive as a concrete function call.


Directive ExecutorDirectiveExecution
queryquery=access_token,tokenquery(["access_token", "token"])
headerheader=x-api-token,Authorizationheader(["x-api-token", "Authorization"])